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February 25, 2010


I love bread, particularly soft, white bread, as a child, bread was a staple in the house and we used to substitute it regularly for chapatis or rice, not a very healthy habit though but you know some habits are so hard to kick! Even now I love to soak up the last of the gravy with a slice of bread, it's really one of the simple pleasures of life.
In an attempt to eat healthy I have however completely stopped buying white bread and have switched to Wholewheat/multigrain/brown bread instead, a long standing wish was, however to be able to bake my own bread, I did that today and have a delicious, fresh, soft homemade loaf sitting on the dinner table. Now I can indulge to my heart's content and really not feel guilty about it.
For 1 medium loaf you require-
Wholewheat flour (atta)- 250 gms
Milk-1/2 cup
Fresh curd/yogurt- 2 tbsp
Butter- 30 gms (diced)
Salt-1/2 tsp
Sugar-2 tsp
Fresh yeast-2 heaped tsp
Sesame/poppy seeds- for sprinkling over
Method-Combine milk and curd, add sugar heat till milk is lukewarm, stir in the yeast and wait for 10 minutes till frothy.Measure out flour in a large basin, rub in the butter so that it is like breadcrumbs, add salt.Break egg in a bowl and reserve little for egg wash, add rest to the milk mixture, now knead a dough by making a well in the center and adding the milk mixture, knead into a smooth dough.Oil a bowl and put the ball of dough, turning over so that the oil coats the ough, cover with cling film and let rise for 1 hour in a warm place till double in bulk.After an hour remove cling film and punch down dough, if you wish you can now shape and leave for second proofing and then bake.I however for lack of time, shaped dough into a simple braid and baked the dough immediately. Brush with reserved egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds, bake shaped dough in a preheated oven (200 C ) for 35-40 minutes or till golden on top.
The bread came out slightly crusty on top but wonderfully soft inside and the smell of baking bread filled the entire house, it was really a wonderful experience, one which I will be repeating as much as I can :).
This healthy wholewheat bread is on its way to the Wild yeast blog, check out all the yeasted goodies there!

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February 14, 2010


Some are baking heart shaped chocolate cakes, some are cooking up elaborate meals for their beloved but I am stirring up a simple pot of Soup b'cause that is what my husband loves the most!, and this is not your regular tomato soup but a strong, nutritious blend of the most healthy veggies and also the most appetizing and digestive herbs so after 5 bowlfuls and a very satisfied look on his face I know Valentine's day is going to be great!!
To make this soup you need-
Tomatoes-1 kg
Beetroot-1 small piece
Mint- 1 large handful, with stalks
Coriander- 1 large handful, with stalks
Ginger- 1 small piece
Black peppercorns-4-5
Green chilli-1
Black cardamom-2
Sugar-4-5 tsp
Salt and black pepper
for garnishing if desired
Fresh cottage cheese (grated)
Bread Croutons
Fresh cream
Method-In a pressure cooker,combine all the ingredients except those reserved for the garnish, add 4 cups water and give 5-6 whistles, strain and season, serve piping hot with any or all the above garnishes.
And heyy you know what, just to keep looking at everything that reminds you that today is Valentines day, I have downloaded the most amazing Valentine Wallpapers, you can too- just click here. Enjoy your day!- the wallpapers and soup too!! :)

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