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June 16, 2013


The weather has changed dramatically...fresh, sunny, summery salads have given way to more substantial, heavier comforting foods as it rains incessantly outside...comfort food calls out..
Can we leave indulging the sweet tooth behind? Todays recipe is perfect for misty monsoon showers...sweet, cinnamony, thick, buttery and warming...

8 slices white bread with crusts- cut in halves
(Any type of leftover bread can be used)
2 large tbsp soft yellow butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 cups full cream milk
2 large eggs
A large pinch cinnamon
A pinch of nutmeg
Handful of raisins/ sultanas
1/2 tsp vanilla essence ( optional)

Butter the bread and arrange half of it in an overlapping way on to a buttered  ovenproof dish. Preheat oven to 180 C.
In a large bowl combine eggs and sugar and beat well, slowly pour the milk and then the rest of the ingredients.
Pour over the arranged  bread slices and cover with remaining buttered bread, pour rest of milk and egg mixture on top, bake for half an hour till browned and bubbly.
Serve warm with clotted cream.

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