Lately I have been having the mother-of-all cravings for CHOCOLATE, a lot of what I eat is ruled by these cravings, like my craving for this some time back...
I needed something sinfully chocolaty and fast tooo, now most of us would hit a big bar of chocolate at this very moment and be done with it, but I had something else in mind....
These delectable cookies are sure to satiate the worst chocolate craving and are a breeze to make especially the glaze on top which sets amazingly well, I called it CHOCONUT because it has cocoa and nuts in the biscuit and chocolate on top, an interesting variation would be the addition of white chocolate or maybe coffee for the glaze.
The recipe for these cookies can be found here, just add about a half cup of chopped mixed nuts and 1 tbsp cocoa powder to the original, the recipe for glaze is also the same except for the addition of an extra tablespoon of milk to make it more satiny, simply spoon glaze over the cookies and let it set for a couple of hours on some cooking foil, if you are in a hurry to devour them ,like me...pop into the fridge for a couple of minutes :)